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Fire To The Nations Logo Emblem White We

It is our belief that being a partner is this - every soul that comes through the kingdom through Fire To The Nations, you as our lifeline partners are just as responsible as if you did it yourselves. 

We're Focused

Our strategy and structure allows for spiritual maturation of people at every age and stage of development.


In any major business, we may not have done the actual work, to build the empire, but we still reap the benefits because of our monetary seed is there to maintain it. In Christ, we didn't do His part (Salvation) but we are reaping the benefits, when we accept or partner up with Him. Joining an end time ministry, different from most traditional ministries, you can learn about who you are, who's you are, why you are here and where you are going. Join us endtime Believers!

From Him (Christ) the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Ephesians 4:16

Partnering To Achieve


A discipleship process that facilitates thousands of people experiencing small group relationships for accountability, community, encouragement and spiritual growth.


Offer seminars and workshops to develop and equip our partners as well as the larger community.


Supporting foreign ministries and churches, and sending short term missionaries to other regions as the Lord leads.


Extending our witness in the business community by facilitating entrepreneurial efforts and leadership development for Christians to serve in the marketplace.

Contact Us For Partnership Opportunity

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